Thursday, February 27, 2014


Ok, so this is just a super quick post to let y'all know that Uncle Allan has a few cancellations that i'm gonna try to fill, so if you're interested in a spontaneous tattoo trip to sunny Berlin*, here's your chance!
Dates are the 4th and 11th of March, and the 14th, 17th and 21st of April.
I will also open up for May booking soon, so keep an eye on this space for that, but first, let's fill these spots!
Email with ideas/size/placement/budget and i'll book you in.

And here are a couple of recent tattoos by Uncle Allan!

*Or, if you, you know, live here already, even better!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Brighton rock city

We're back from England!
Or, well, some of us are anyway.
You can find Matthew and Wendy tattooing at Black Heart Tattoo this week, and Matthew will also be at Modern Body Art next week, and he has a few openings, so email him to book in:

Ok, but i'm back and, as always, i have shitty iPhone pictures to share!
The show was awesome, by the way, so well organized and friendly, and we saw so many good friends and got to meet a bunch of really nice people.
Thanks Woody and crew!
And the weather didn't suck all the time, so there's that to be grateful for too.
Ok, pictures, and then i'll be back soon with more guest artist news.
I know, so many awesome people for y'all to get tattooed by this spring!

 Brighton, on one of the good days!

I should have taken a close-up of Chriss Dettmer's banner...

Tattoo by Wendy Pham

Tattoo by Uncle Allan

Brand new flash by Matthew Gordon, for sale via 9 friggin sheets for 60, guys!

Tattoo by Uncle Allan

Tattoo by Wendy Pham

Wendy worked so hard all weekend, you may not have even seen her outside of the booth!

Tattoo by Matthew Gordon

Tattoo by Wendy Pham

Ashley Riot and his lovely wife Christina are with us in Berlin this week, and he still has a few free spots, if you wanna get tattooed! Email him at to book in!

Tattoo by Wendy Pham

Tattoo by Uncle Allan